Sports Field & Courts Rentals
To reserve a field for games, tournaments or other events complete an Application for Permit.

To reserve a field, court or facility for your team or event, you must follow these simple requirements:
- When an organization rents a District facility it is required that a certificate of insurance is on file at the District Office, with the endorsement page attached. The certificate must carry a minimum liability limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence, a 30-day cancellation clause, and the endorsement page attached with the Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District named as the Additional Insured. You should contact your insurance agent and have the certificate and endorsement page mailed, faxed, or e-mailed to the District Office.
- Complete the required Application for Permit – Athletic Fields (The costs of the field will include an Administrative Fee, an hourly rate for field, hourly cost for lights, base rental and field prep fee and if needed, additional staff costs. If this is a large event, such as a tournament, please contact the Sports Supervisor at (805) 482-1996 x 108.
If the fields are available, your payment is received, insurance is completed and on file at the District Office and your application is granted a Permit Number, then your reservation will be confirmed.
It is recommended that you reserve your practice field at least 14 days prior to the rental date. For tournaments or larger events staff needs at least 30 days’ notice.