Springville Pickleball & Tennis Courts
Springville Park has two dedicated tennis courts and 1 multi/dual-use tennis court.
801 Via Zamora, Camarillo, CA 93010
Court Hours:
Monday-Sunday, 7:00AM-9:00PM
Special Hours and Closures:
- Refer to the clinic & programming schedule found under Pickleball Clinics & Leagues
- Lighted courts
- Portable public restrooms
- Benches
- Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis.
- Courts are shared with District programming which can affect hours of use.
- Please follow signs posted for rules and public use times.
- Private court reservations are allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays.
Pickleball clinics and leagues are operated by Agape Pickleball. Registration is completed direclty with Agape and not the District.

Current Classes:
Important Agape Policies:
- All classes must have a minimum of 3 students or class will be cancelled and account credit issued.
- Payment is required at time of registration.
- Drop-ins for classes will be allowed if minimum number of students has been met.
- Credits will be issued for weather-related cancellations.
- You must contact us to apply account credit.
- Credit will not be applied if you register online.
- We will email cancellations and updates on pickleball classes.
Register online at agapetennisacademy.com
Agape Pickleball,
pvinfo@agapetennisacademy.com, 404.395.3662
When unreserved courts are full, the follwing rules will be followed:
- Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis.
- Existing players may finish their current game to 11 or win by 2 points, and may play a second game following the same rules.
- Players waiting for an unreserved court should place paddles in provided rack, in order of arrival. Once a paddle is in the saddle, a 2-game maximum play goes into effect for existing players.
- After the second game, waiting players rotate in.